Most of my financial services sector work has been on the Microsoft platform. I know SQL Server very well, and I've good experience with SSIS. I've worked a fair bit with Oracle, too, and done a lot of data warehousing work, including working with Informatica Power Center ETL.
I’m also an old-school VB6 hacker, if you need any legacy systems changed, though I’ve got reasonable exposure to more recent .NET stuff, too, including some C#.
I’m unlikely to be phased by your choice of OS, version control (distributed or otherwise), dependency management or deployment systems. I pick things up pretty quickly.
I’ve worked solo and as part of big teams. I get on with people and communicate well.
On mobile, I’ve got most experience with Android, having ported the successful Get Running running trainer to the platform, but I’m getting familiar with iOS, too. I'm okay with Objective C and I've been using Swift since its first beta release. I’ve got paid apps in both the Play Store and the iOS App Store that are bought daily. Get Running has sold 20,000 copies and averages 4.7 stars in its reviews.
On the web, I work in PHP. I'm a back-end developer, not a designer, but I’ve got a good grasp of semantic markup and can generally figure out what the JavaScript is doing 😊 I’ve used heavier frameworks like Symfony and Laravel, and developed sites in CMSes like WordPress and concrete5.